Booklet from Burwood Boys' Home – 'Valuable Household Hints' ceramic elephant with broken trunk canvas shoes badges from Morialta Homes baby doll dressed in white wool suitcase badges from Roslyn Hall Children's Home, Murray Dwyer Boys Orphanage, Protestant Homes


As an agency of the Australian Government, the Museum complies with the Privacy Act 1988. This page outlines how we collect, use and disclose information via this website.

What does ‘personal information’ mean?

The Privacy Act defines ‘personal information’ as information or an opinion about a person whose identity is either apparent or can be figured out. Even when the information or opinion is not true, it is still ‘personal information’.

What do we know about you?

We might have personal information about you if you or someone else gives it to us, for example, if you contact us by email.

What do we do with your personal information?

We use your personal information for the purpose for which you provided it – and for no other purpose.

  • If you make contact with us, we make a record of the correspondence so we can be in touch with you again. As appropriate, we might also talk to you about publishing your material, or using it in the exhibition.
  • We will use your contact details only to correspond with you.
  • We will not pass your personal information on to anyone – except in the unlikely event that we are required by law to do so.

If you believe that our information about you is incorrect in some way, please let us know and we’ll correct it.

More information?

This privacy statement is written in accordance with the Information Privacy Principles of the Australian Government. See also the Museum’s privacy policy.

Comments, questions or concerns? Contact the Museum’s Privacy Contact Officer at


From Lost Innocents:

I am still not sure that my file is complete, they can tell me it is but after being lied to so many times one’s trust in people diminishes.


From Forgotten Australians:

I [aged 71] decided to write about my past in the hope that it will help me to understand myself and to help take away the guilt which has spoilt not only my own life but that of just about everyone else I got close to.
